
R & D

The Penta engineering department relies on professionals qualified to provide multidisciplinary solutions in automation of industrial processes for all kinds of applications. Each requirement is identified and analyzed particularly as if it was unique. Then, a specific routine and a set of responsibilities begin which derive in an efficient result of its process and economy.

We visited the plant to learn about the processes and become involved directly with necessity.
We analyse jointly with the client all the possible alternatives and identify that one which optimizes its layout.
We combine experience, professionalism and modern tools of calculus to develop a solution.
We coordinate the capacity of our people and the diverse supplier’s contribution to convert the project into a reality.
We accompany and assist our clients permanently to ensure the optimal functioning of the equipment.

Success project

Marine arm loader

Penta pparticipated with three other companies from Bahia Blanca in the design and manufacture of the first marine arm loader in national industry for a fossil fuels transfer which has been recently install in the flammable relay in Puerto Galván, Bahia Blanca. The project is unique at a Latin-American level.

Total weight: 17.000 kg | Pipeline: Until 12" | Total height: 20 metres

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